Zagreb International Conference on the
Conference PROGRAMME
The 2nd Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations will be held in Zagreb on 28 – 30 September 2022. The conference is organised by the Department of Law at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, in partnership with the ELI Croatian Hub and the ELI Global Private Law SIG, and with the support of the Croatian Chamber of Economy and ICC Croatia.
The conference will gather fifty-eight conference speakers who will present fifty-two papers in nine sessions dealing with the following topics of the conference:
Contract Law and the Digital Single Market: The transposition of the Sale of Goods Directive (SGD) and the Digital Content and Services Directive (DCSD) into national laws of EU Member States
The Law of Obligations in Central and Southeast Europe: The influence of Austrian, German, and Swiss law
Croatian Law of Obligations in a Comparative Law Context: The reform and modernisation of the Croatian Obligations Act.
The keynote speakers are:
Professor Paula Giliker (University of Bristol, School of Law): 'The challenges of transposing (and not transposing) the DCSD and SGD into common law jurisdictions: Ireland and post-Brexit England and Wales'
Professor Tatjana Josipović (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law): 'Legal transplants as a tool for modernisation of the law of obligations'.
See the conference programme below or download the PDF version: here.

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business
J. F. Kennedy Sq. 6, Zagreb